• Millhopper Montessori School is participating in the Oak Hall Comunity Sports League. Oak Hall’s registration is available ONLY online here, and will have very firm deadlines and will not accept late registrations. Once you have your information in on the Oak Hall website, you should be able to simply add additional siblings. You will have to register for each sport individually.

    We will also need each family to complete a separate online registration form with us at MMS to cover our liabilities and on-site costs. Please click here to fill out the MMS form. For families with multiple children, each sibling will require their own submission.

    In regards to fees, you must pay both Oak Hall’s registration fee of $150 and a separate $20 fee to MMS will be billed to your account when you turn in your online registration. MMS has to cover the equipment, staff hours and insurance fees accrued by offering on-site practice and school teams, hence the separate fee.  Please note that the MMS fee has stayed low and our jerseys and trophies will be designed specifically for our students. If you have any questions regarding the sports leagues, please contact the front office at mmschool@millhopper.com. We look forward to another wonderful year of athletic achievement.

    SATURDAY GAMES: 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13

    Practice Days and Times will not be known until Volunteer Coaches are in place. Volunteer Coaches needed!

    We’d love to have a sponsor!