Millhopper Montessori School students and staff celebrated school spirit with our annual Spirit Week and Golden Can Award as we raised food and money for the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank. We dressed up each day with different themes including Pajama Day, International Day, Patriotic Day, 50’s Day, and Blue and White Spirit Day and brought in canned or dry goods and money for the food drive. We held a community lunch on Friday and presented the Golden Can Award to Mr. Richard Aslanian’s Lower Elementary 2nd and 3rd grade class for collecting the most donations throughout Spirit Week. The class collected 397 cans and $1,378.05 in cash donations!

After the 2nd graders loaded all of the cans onto their truck, the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank sent us the following thank you note highlighting how much donation was collected overall:


Today’s shelf-stable donation joyously loaded by my new best friends was 1,715 pounds. Including the amazing monetary contributions totaling $3,092.30, your Spirit Week gifts will provide the equivalent of up to 32,352 meals for the food insecure in our community. Y’all Rock!!

Thank you so much for once again helping us feed our hungry neighbors!

Sharing the experience of donating to charity with the students at MMS shows them from a young age that they can make positive changes in the world. Children naturally love to help others, so nurturing their innate generosity is likely to mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have, and will carry on supporting charity in years to come.

 Pajama day  International Day  Patriotic Day1  Patriotic Day2  50s day  Spirit Day